April 16, 2007 - Monday
Daisy-do. Dolly. Doll-face. Doll-doll.
These are a few of the nicknames we had for our much-loved family dog. None of them really embraces what kind of a dog she was or the unconditional love she offered us on a daily basis. She loved us and trusted us with her very last breath, which came last Friday.
Daisy was a pound puppy. Not the first one we looked at nor the second or third. She was a very thin black dog with white feet, white tip on her tail and a bit of white on her face and chest. By the time we took a closer look at Daisy we had almost given up on finding our dog that day. She was pretty much the only dog in the cacophony that was lying silently with big brown eyes pleading for us to take one last look. We did and it was love at first sight. We took Daisy home that day and she was instantly a part of our family.
There was nothing she wasn't willing to do with the girls, with the exception of bathing; she may have been part black lab but she was not a water dog. Daisy was dressed far more often than their dolls, she was a faithful partner in many outdoor adventures, she provided a listening ear for the angst of their early teen years, and she loved them with every breath she took. Daisy was better at playing checkers then they were but we suspect that was because when they weren't looking she cheated. She was more patient then they were and often smarter.
There was no adventure that Daisy wasn't willing and ready to participate in. She adored camping and endured being drug around on her leash by many an eager child at the SBCC campouts.
Daisy loved everyone she met and when Andy came into the family he was no exception, she always knew when he was coming by the sound of his car.
Patience probably should have been her middle name for she had that character quality in spades. She endured the addition of a little black toy poodle who she thought was a small rat when we brought him home. She also endured the addition of her two nephews Castor and Camber with lady-like dignity.
Daisy was a grand dog, the finest you could ask for and royalty in her own right. It is with fond memories and sad hearts that we say good-bye to our companion of thirteen years.
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